søndag den 28. april 2013

Cow's the Moo-sic going?

^Going alright if you ask me.....

 (Blah... No...I'm a failure :(((((( )

Juuust kiddin'....

:) :) :D :D :D :D :D :D D: 


Will you please quit jazzing around already... stay on trackkkk 

(heh heh see what I did there?)

So.... to answer the question.
Currently I'm writing songs and trying to learn how to accompany my vocals with some keyboard... which I have just recently started teaching myself. yay cozy (hyggeligt).
Next step is to buy a plug for my keyboard (to go into ze computaarhh) so I can start recording these songs... and so I won't have to make acapella versions all the time! (although that is fun..... and unique...of course)

Recent songs
It's hard to be cold (original)
Bring me back Swan Lee (cover)
Shot me down bang bang Nancy Sinatra  (cover)

Have no more words left now..

so all there's left to say is:


Peace out (wo)maiin <3

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